#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module:: robotplus.py
.. moduleauthor:: Zoltan Siki
Sample application for complex monitoring for a station
Different prism constants can be set with code 20/pc in input
Parameters are stored in config file using JSON format::
log_file: path to log file, file must exist!
log_level: 10/20/30/40/50 for DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/FATAL
log_format: format string for log (default: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s"), optional
station_type: 1100/1200/1800
station_id: pont id for the station
station_height: instrument height above point, optional (default: 0)
station_coo_limit: limitation for station coordinate change from free station (default 0.01), optional
orientation_limit: distance limit for orientation to identify a target (default 0.1)
faces: number of faces to measure (first face left for all pointt then face right) (default 1)
face_coo_limit: maximum difference for face left and face right coords (m) (default: 0.01)
face_dir_limit: maximum difference for face left and face right angle (rad) (default 0.0029 60")
face_dist_limit: maximum difference for face left and face right dist (m) (default 0.01)
directfaces: number of faces to measure (face left and right are measured directly) (default 1)
avg_faces: 1/0 calculate average for faces of monitoring points and store only average/do not calculate average store individual faces, default: 1
fix_list: list of fix points to calculate station coordinates, optional (default: empty)
mon_list: list of monitoring points to measure, optional (default: empty)
max_try: maximum trying to measure a point, optional (default: 3)
delay_try: delay between tries, optional (default: 0)
dir_limit: angle limit for false direction in radians (default 0.015. 5')
dist_limit: distance limit for false direction in meters (default 0.1)
port: serial port to use (e.g. COM1 or /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0)
coo_rd: source to get coordinates from
coo_wr: target to send coordinates to
obs_wr: target to send observations to
met_wr: target to send meteorological observations to, optional (default: no output)
inf_wr: target to send general information to
avg_wr: calculate averages from more faces if value 1, no average calculation if value is zero, optional (default: 1) DEPRICATED average always calculated
decimals: number of decimals in output, optional (default: 4)
gama_path: path to GNU Gama executable, optional (default: empty, no adjustment)
stdev_angle: standard deviation of angle measurement (arc seconds), optional (default: 1)
stdev_dist: additive tag for standard deviation of distance measurement (mm), optional (default: 1)
stdev_dist1: multiplicative tag for standard deviation of distance measurement (mm), optional (default: 1.5)
dimension: dimension of stored points (1D/2D/3D), optional (default: 3)
probability: probability for data snooping, optional (default: 0.95)
blunders: data snooping on/off 1/0, optional (default: 1)
met: met sensor name WEBMET/BMP180/SENSEHAT, optional default None
met_addr: URL to webmet data, optional (default: empty)
met_par: parameters to web met service, optional (default: empty)
import sys
import re
import logging
import math
import os
import time
import datetime
if len([p for p in sys.path if 'pyapi' in p]) == 0:
if os.path.isdir('../pyapi/'):
print("pyapi not found")
print("Add pyapi directory to the Python path or start your application from ulyxes/pyapps folder")
from angle import Angle
from httpreader import HttpReader
from httpwriter import HttpWriter
from georeader import GeoReader
from geowriter import GeoWriter
from csvreader import CsvReader
from csvwriter import CsvWriter
from sqlitewriter import SqLiteWriter
from confreader import ConfReader
from filegen import ObsGen
from serialiface import SerialIface
from totalstation import TotalStation
from blindorientation import Orientation
from robot import Robot
from freestation import Freestation
from leicatps1200 import LeicaTPS1200
from leicatcra1100 import LeicaTCRA1100
from leicatca1800 import LeicaTCA1800
from localiface import LocalIface
[docs]def get_mu(t):
""" Select measure unit
:param t: instrument type 1200/1800/1100/local
:returns: measure unit or False
if re.search('120[0-9]$', t):
return LeicaTPS1200()
if re.search('110[0-9]$', t):
return LeicaTCRA1100()
if re.search('180[0-9]$', t):
return LeicaTCA1800()
if re.search('^local', t):
return LeicaTPS1200()
return False
[docs]def avg_coo(coords, face_coo_limit=0.01):
""" Calculate average coordinates
:param coords: input coordinate list (duplicates)
:params face_coo_limit: difference limit from average coords (m)
:returns: average coordinates no duplicates
res = [] # output list
ids = list(set([coo['id'] for coo in coords]))
for i in ids:
e = [coo['east'] for coo in coords if coo['id'] == i]
n = [coo['north'] for coo in coords if coo['id'] == i]
h = [coo['elev'] for coo in coords if coo['id'] == i]
avg_e = sum(e) / len(e)
avg_n = sum(n) / len(n)
avg_h = sum(h) / len(h)
# check before store average
if [x for x in e if abs(x - avg_e) > face_coo_limit] or \
[y for y in n if abs(y - avg_n) > face_coo_limit] or \
[z for z in h if abs(z - avg_h) > face_coo_limit]:
logging.error("Large coordinate difference from faces: %.3f %.3f %.3f", e, n, h)
continue # skip point
res.append({'id': i, 'east': avg_e, 'north': avg_n, 'elev': avg_h})
return res
[docs]def avg_obs(obs, face_dir_limit=0.0029, face_dist_limit=0.01):
""" Calculate average observations in faces
:param obs: list of observations dictionaries
:params face_dir_limit: difference limit from average angles (rad)
:params face_dist_limit: difference limit from average distance (m)
:returns: average observations
res = [] # output list
# copy station record to output
if 'station' in obs[0]:
# get unique point ids
ids = list(set([o['id'] for o in obs if 'id' in o]))
for k in ids:
# separate face left/right by zenith angle
hz1 = [o['hz'].GetAngle() for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() < math.pi]
hz2 = [o['hz'].GetAngle() for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() > math.pi]
if len(hz1) != len(hz2):
logging.warning('Different number of observations in two faces %s FL: %d FR: %d', k, len(hz1), len(hz2))
# check angles around 0/360 degree
for i in range(1, len(hz1)):
if hz1[i] - hz1[0] > math.pi:
hz1[i] -= math.pi * 2.0
elif hz1[0] - hz1[i] > math.pi:
hz1[i] += math.pi * 2.0
for i in range(1, len(hz2)):
if hz2[i] - hz2[0] > math.pi:
hz2[i] -= math.pi * 2.0
elif hz2[0] - hz2[i] > math.pi:
hz2[i] += math.pi * 2.0
# rotate face right by 180 degree
if hz2 and hz1:
if hz1[0] > hz2[0]:
hz2 = [h + math.pi for h in hz2]
hz2 = [h - math.pi for h in hz2]
kol = (sum(hz2) / len(hz2) - sum(hz1) / len(hz1)) / 2.0
logging.info('Collimation error [GON]: %.4f %s',
Angle(kol).GetAngle('GON'), k)
elif hz2:
if hz2[0] > math.pi:
hz2 = [h - math.pi for h in hz2]
hz2 = [h + math.pi for h in hz2]
hz = sum(hz1 + hz2) / (len(hz1) + len(hz2))
# check before store average
str_hz = [Angle(abs(x - hz)).GetAngle('GON')
for x in hz1 + hz2 if abs(x - hz) > face_dir_limit]
if str_hz:
logging.error('Large Hz difference from faces [GON]: %.4f %s',
max(str_hz), k)
continue # skip point
v1 = [o['v'].GetAngle() for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() < math.pi]
v2 = [math.pi * 2.0 - o['v'].GetAngle() for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() > math.pi]
if v1 and v2:
ind = (sum(v2) / len(v2) - sum(v1) / len(v1)) / 2.0
logging.info('Index error [GON]: %.4f %s',
Angle(ind).GetAngle('GON'), k)
v = sum(v1 + v2) / (len(v1) + len(v2))
# check before store average
str_v = [Angle(abs(x-v)).GetAngle('GON')
for x in v1 + v2 if abs(x - v) > face_dir_limit]
if str_v:
logging.error('Large V difference from faces: %.4f at point %s',
max(str_v), k)
continue # skip point
res_obs = {'id': k, 'hz': Angle(hz), 'v': Angle(v)}
sd12 = [o['distance'] for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and 'distance' in o]
if sd12:
sd = sum(sd12) / len(sd12)
# check before store average
str_d = [abs(x - sd) for x in sd12 if abs(x - sd) > face_dist_limit]
if str_d:
logging.error('Large dist difference from faces: %.4f at point %s', max(str_d), k)
continue # skip point
res_obs['distance'] = sd
# cross & lengthincline from face left
cross = [o['crossincline'] for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() < math.pi and \
'crossincline' in o]
if cross:
res_obs['crossincline'] = cross[0]
length = [o['lengthincline'] for o in obs \
if 'id' in o and o['id'] == k and o['v'].GetAngle() < math.pi and \
'lengthincline' in o]
if length:
res_obs['lengthincline'] = length[0]
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_pars = {
'log_file': {'required' : True, 'type': 'file'},
'log_level': {'required' : True, 'type': 'int',
'set': [logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.FATAL]},
'log_format': {'required': False, 'default': "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s"},
'station_type': {'required' : True, 'type': 'str', 'set': ['1200', '1800', '1100']},
'station_id': {'required' : True, 'type': 'str'},
'station_height': {'required': False, 'default': 0, 'type': 'float'},
'station_coo_limit': {'required': False, 'default': 0.01, 'type': 'float'},
'orientation_limit': {'required': False, 'default': 0.1, 'type': 'float'},
'faces': {'required': False, 'default': 1, 'type': 'int'},
'face_coo_limit': {'required': False, 'default': 0.01, 'type': 'float'},
'face_dir_limit': {'required': False, 'default': 0.0029, 'type': 'float'},
'face_dist_limit': {'required': False, 'default': 0.01, 'type': 'float'},
'directfaces': {'required': False, 'default': 1, 'type': 'int'},
'avg_faces': {'required': False, 'default': 1, 'type': 'int'},
'fix_list': {'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
'mon_list': {'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
'max_try': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': 3},
'delay_try': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 0},
'dir_limit': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.015},
'dist_limit': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.1},
'port': {'required' : True, 'type': 'str'},
'coo_rd': {'required' : True},
'coo_wr': {'required' : True},
'obs_wr': {'required': True},
'met_wr': {'required': False},
'inf_wr': {'required': False},
'decimals': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': 4},
'gama_path': {'required': False, 'type': 'file'},
'stdev_angle': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 1},
'stdev_dist': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 1},
'stdev_dist1': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 1.5},
'dimension': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': 3},
'probability': {'required': False, 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.95},
'blunders': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': 1},
'ts_off': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': 0},
'met': {'required': False, 'set': ['WEBMET', 'BMP180', 'SENSEHAT']},
'met_addr': {'required': False},
'met_par': {'required': False},
'__comment__': {'required': False, 'type': 'str'}
# check command line param
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
cr = ConfReader('robotplus', sys.argv[1], config_pars)
except Exception:
print("Error in config file: {0}".format(sys.argv[1]))
state, msg_lst = cr.Check()
if state == "FATAL":
print("Config check failed")
for msg in msg_lst:
print("Config file not found %s" % sys.argv[1])
logging.fatal("Config file not found %s", sys.argv[1])
print("Missing parameter")
print("Usage: robotplus.py config_file")
# logging
logging.basicConfig(format=cr.json['log_format'], filename=cr.json['log_file'], \
filemode='a', level=cr.json['log_level'])
# log config warnings after log created
if state == "WARNING":
for msg in msg_lst:
# create totalstation
mu = get_mu(cr.json['station_type'])
if not mu:
logging.fatal('Invalid instrument type')
if cr.json['station_type'] == 'local':
iface = LocalIface('test', 'test_iface.txt', 'rand')
iface = SerialIface("rs-232", cr.json['port'])
if iface.GetState():
logging.fatal("Serial interface error")
if iface.state != iface.IF_OK:
ts = TotalStation(cr.json['station_type'], mu, iface)
for i in range(10):
w = ts.GetATR() # wake up instrument
if 'errorCode' in w or ts.measureIface.GetState():
if 'errorCode' in w or ts.measureIface.GetState():
logging.fatal("Instrument wake up failed")
# get meteorology data
print("Getting met data...")
if 'met' in cr.json and cr.json['met'] is not None:
atm = ts.GetAtmCorr() # get current settings from ts
if cr.json['met'].upper() == 'WEBMET':
from webmetmeasureunit import WebMetMeasureUnit
from webmet import WebMet
from webiface import WebIface
wi = WebIface("demo", cr.json['met_addr'], "json")
web_mu = WebMetMeasureUnit(msg=cr.json['met_par'])
web_met = WebMet('WebMet', web_mu, wi)
data = web_met.GetPressure()
pres = temp = humi = wet = None
if data is not None:
if 'pressure' in data:
pres = data['pressure']
if 'temp' in data:
temp = data['temp']
if 'humidity' in data:
humi = data['humidity']
if 'temp' in data and 'humidity' in data:
wet = web_met.GetWetTemp(temp, humi)
elif cr.json['met'].upper() == 'BMP180':
from bmp180measureunit import BMP180MeasureUnit
from i2ciface import I2CIface
from bmp180 import BMP180
bmp_mu = BMP180MeasureUnit()
i2c = I2CIface(None, 0x77)
bmp = BMP180('BMP180', bmp_mu, i2c)
except IOError:
logging.fatal("BMP180 sensor not found")
pres = float(bmp.GetPressure()['pressure'])
temp = float(bmp.GetTemp()['temp'])
wet = None # wet temperature unknown
elif cr.json['met'].upper() == 'SENSEHAT':
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from webmet import WebMet
sense = SenseHat()
pres = sense.get_pressure()
temp = sense.get_temperature()
humi = sense.get_humidity()
wet = WebMet.GetWetTemp(temp, humi)
if pres is not None and temp is not None:
ts.SetAtmCorr(float(atm['lambda']), pres, temp, wet)
logging.warning("meteorological data not available")
if 'met_wr' in cr.json:
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['met_wr']):
wrtm = HttpWriter(
name='met', url=cr.json['met_wr'], mode='POST',
filt=['id', 'temp', 'pressure', 'humidity', 'wettemp',
elif re.search('^sqlite:', cr.json['met_wr']):
wrtm = SqLiteWriter(db=cr.json['met_wr'][7:],
filt=['id', 'pressure', 'temp', 'humidity',
'wettemp', 'datetime'])
if wrtm.conn is None:
wrtm = CsvWriter(name='met', fname=cr.json['met_wr'],
filt=['id', 'temp', 'pressure', 'humidity',
'wettemp', 'datetime'], mode='a')
data = {'id': cr.json['station_id'], 'temp': temp,
'pressure': pres, 'humidity': humi, 'wettemp': wet}
if wrtm.WriteData(data) == -1:
logging.error('Met data write failed')
# get station coordinates
print("Loading station coords...")
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['coo_rd']):
rd_st = HttpReader(url=cr.json['coo_rd'], ptys=['STA'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
elif re.search('\.txt$', cr.json['coo_rd']) or re.search('\.csv$', cr.json['coo_rd']):
rd_st = CsvReader(fname=cr.json['coo_rd'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
rd_st = GeoReader(fname=cr.json['coo_rd'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
w = rd_st.Load()
st_coord = [x for x in w if x['id'] == cr.json['station_id']]
if not st_coord:
logging.fatal("Station not found: %s", cr.json['station_id'])
# coordinate writer
fmt = '.%df' % cr.json['decimals']
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['coo_wr']):
wrt = HttpWriter(url=cr.json['coo_wr'], mode='POST', dist=fmt)
elif re.search('^sqlite:', cr.json['coo_wr']):
wrt = SqLiteWriter(db=cr.json['coo_wr'][7:], dist=fmt,
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev', 'datetime'])
if wrt.conn is None:
elif re.search('\.csv$', cr.json['coo_wr']):
wrt = CsvWriter(fname=cr.json['coo_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt,
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
wrt = GeoWriter(fname=cr.json['coo_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt)
# observation writer
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['obs_wr']):
wrt1 = HttpWriter(url=cr.json['obs_wr'], mode='POST', dist=fmt)
elif re.search('^sqlite:', cr.json['obs_wr']):
wrt1 = SqLiteWriter(db=cr.json['obs_wr'][7:], dist=fmt,
filt=['id', 'hz', 'v', 'distance',
'crossincline', 'lengthincline', 'datetime'])
if wrt1.conn is None:
elif re.search('\.csv$', cr.json['obs_wr']):
wrt1 = CsvWriter(fname=cr.json['obs_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt,
filt=['station', 'id', 'hz', 'v', 'distance'])
wrt1 = GeoWriter(fname=cr.json['obs_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt)
# information writer
if 'inf_wr' in cr.json:
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['inf_wr']):
wrt2 = HttpWriter(url=cr.json['inf_wr'], mode='POST', dist=fmt)
elif re.search('^sqlite:', cr.json['inf_wr']):
wrt2 = SqLiteWriter(db=cr.json['inf_wr'][7:], dist=fmt,
filt=['datetime', 'nref', 'nrefobs', 'nmon',
'nmonobs', 'maxincl', 'std_east',
'std_north', 'std_elev', 'std_ori'])
if wrt2.conn is None:
elif re.search('\.csv$', cr.json['inf_wr']):
wrt2 = CsvWriter(fname=cr.json['inf_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt,
filt=['datetime', 'nref', 'nrefobs', 'std_east',
'std_north', 'std_elev', 'std_ori'])
wrt2 = GeoWriter(fname=cr.json['inf_wr'], mode='a', dist=fmt)
if 'fix_list' in cr.json and cr.json['fix_list'] is not None:
# get fix coordinates from database
print("Loading fix coords...")
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['coo_rd']):
rd_fix = HttpReader(url=cr.json['coo_rd'], ptys=['FIX'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
rd_fix = GeoReader(fname=cr.json['coo_rd'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
# remove other points
fix_coords = [p for p in rd_fix.Load() if p['id'] in cr.json['fix_list']]
if len(cr.json['fix_list']) != len(fix_coords):
logging.error("Not all fix points found in database")
fix_coords = []
if 'mon_list' in cr.json and cr.json['mon_list'] is not None:
# get monitoring coordinates from database
print("Loading mon coords...")
if re.search('^http[s]?://', cr.json['coo_rd']):
rd_mon = HttpReader(url=cr.json['coo_rd'], ptys=['MON'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
rd_mon = GeoReader(fname=cr.json['coo_rd'], \
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev'])
mon_coords = [p for p in rd_mon.Load() if p['id'] in cr.json['mon_list']]
if len(cr.json['mon_list']) != len(mon_coords):
logging.error("Not all mon points found in database")
mon_coords = []
# check orientation including FIX and MON points
# generate observations for all target points, first point is the station
print("Generating observations for targets...")
og = ObsGen(st_coord + fix_coords + mon_coords, cr.json['station_id'], \
cr.json['station_height'], cr.json['faces'], cr.json['directfaces'])
observations = og.run()
# change to face left
if ts.GetFace()['face'] == ts.FACE_RIGHT:
a = ts.GetAngles()
a['hz'] = (a['hz'] + Angle(180, 'DEG')).Normalize()
a['v'] = (Angle(360, 'DEG') - a['v']).Normalize()
ans = ts.Move(a['hz'], a['v'], 0) # no ATR
if 'errCode' in ans:
logging.fatal("Rotation to face left failed %d", ans['errCode'])
# check/find orientation
o = Orientation(observations, ts, cr.json['orientation_limit'])
ans = o.Search()
if 'errCode' in ans and cr.json['station_type'] != 'local':
logging.fatal("Orientation failed %d", ans['errCode'])
if 'fix_list' in cr.json and cr.json['fix_list'] is not None and \
len(fix_coords) < 2:
logging.warning('No enough fix points for freestation')
elif 'fix_list' in cr.json and cr.json['fix_list'] is not None and \
len(fix_coords) > 1:
# generate observations for fix points, first point is the station
print("Generating observations for fix...")
og = ObsGen(st_coord + fix_coords, cr.json['station_id'], \
cr.json['station_height'], cr.json['faces'], cr.json['directfaces'])
observations = og.run()
# observation to fix points
print("Measuring fix...")
act_date = datetime.datetime.now() # start of observations
r = Robot(observations, st_coord, ts, cr.json['max_try'],
cr.json['delay_try'], cr.json['dir_limit'],
obs_out, coo_out = r.run()
# calculate station coordinates as freestation if gama_path set
if 'gama_path' in cr.json and cr.json['gama_path'] is not None:
if cr.json['faces'] > 1 or cr.json['directfaces'] > 1:
obs_out = avg_obs(obs_out, cr.json['face_dir_limit'],
# store observations to FIX points
for o in obs_out:
o['datetime'] = act_date
if 'distance' in o:
if wrt1.WriteData(o) == -1:
logging.error('Observation data write failed %s',
if 'crossincline' in o and 'lengthincline' in o:
logging.info('inclination [GON]: %.4f %.4f %s',
logging.info('No inclination data available')
fs = Freestation(obs_out, st_coord + fix_coords,
cr.json['gama_path'], cr.json['dimension'],
cr.json['probability'], cr.json['stdev_angle'],
cr.json['stdev_dist'], cr.json['stdev_dist1'],
w = fs.Adjustment()
if w is None or w[0] is None or \
'east' not in w[0] or 'north' not in w[0]:
logging.fatal("No adjusted coordinates for station %s",
if abs(st_coord[0]['east'] - w[0]['east']) > cr.json['station_coo_limit'] or \
abs(st_coord[0]['north'] - w[0]['north']) > cr.json['station_coo_limit'] or \
abs(st_coord[0]['elev'] - w[0]['elev']) > cr.json['station_coo_limit']:
logging.fatal("Station moved!!! %s", w[0]['id'])
# update station coordinates & upload to instrument
st_coord = w
ts.SetStation(st_coord[0]['east'], st_coord[0]['north'],
st_coord[0]['elev'], cr.json['station_height'])
# upload station coords to server
print("Uploading station coords...")
st_coord[0]['datetime'] = act_date
logging.info("station stddevs[mm/cc]: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f",
st_coord[0]['std_east'], st_coord[0]['std_north'],
st_coord[0]['std_elev'], st_coord[0]['std_ori'])
if wrt.WriteData(st_coord[0]) == -1:
logging.error('Station coords write failed')
if 'inf_wr' in cr.json:
maxincl = max([max(abs(o['crossincline'].GetAngle('GON')),
for o in obs_out if 'crossincline' in o])
inf = {'datetime': act_date, 'nref': len(fix_coords),
'nrefobs': len(obs_out)-1, 'maxincl': maxincl,
'std_east': st_coord[0]['std_east'],
'std_north': st_coord[0]['std_north'],
'std_elev': st_coord[0]['std_elev'],
'std_ori': st_coord[0]['std_ori']}
if wrt2.WriteData(inf) == -1:
logging.error('Station inf write failed')
if 'ori' in st_coord[0]:
# rotate to Hz 0
ts.Move(Angle(0.0), Angle(90, 'DEG'), 0)
# set direction to orientation angle
ans = ts.SetOri(Angle(st_coord[0]['ori'], 'GON'))
#print(Angle(st_coord[0]['ori'], 'GON').GetAngle('DMS'))
if 'errCode' in ans:
logging.fatal("Cannot upload orientation to instrument")
# update orientation using farest FIX
max_dist = 0
back_site = None
i = 0
for o in obs_out:
if 'distance' in o and o['distance'] > max_dist:
max_dist = o['distance']
back_site = o['id']
back_indx = i
i += 1
if back_site is None:
logging.fatal("Backsite trouble")
ori_p = [p for p in fix_coords if p['id'] == back_site][0]
bearing = Angle(math.atan2(ori_p['east'] - st_coord[0]['east'], \
ori_p['north'] - st_coord[0]['north']))
# rotate to farest FIX and set orientation
ts.Move(obs_out[back_indx]['hz'], obs_out[back_indx]['v'], 1)
ans = ts.SetOri(bearing)
if 'errCode' in ans:
logging.fatal("Cannot upload orientation to instrument")
if 'mon_list' in cr.json and cr.json['mon_list'] is not None:
# generate observations for monitoring points, first point is the station
print("Generating observations for mon...")
og = ObsGen(st_coord + mon_coords, cr.json['station_id'], \
cr.json['station_height'], cr.json['faces'], cr.json['directfaces'])
observations = og.run()
# observation to monitoring points
print("Measuring mon...")
act_date = datetime.datetime.now() # start of observations
r = Robot(observations, st_coord, ts, cr.json['max_try'],
cr.json['delay_try'], cr.json['dir_limit'],
obs_out, coo_out = r.run()
# calculate average for observations
if cr.json['avg_faces'] == 1 and \
(cr.json['faces'] > 1 or cr.json['directfaces'] > 1):
obs_out = avg_obs(obs_out, cr.json['face_dir_limit'],
for o in obs_out:
o['datetime'] = act_date
if 'distance' in o:
if wrt1.WriteData(o) == -1:
logging.error('Observation data write failed')
# calculate coordinate average
if cr.json['avg_faces'] == 1 and \
(cr.json['faces'] > 1 or cr.json['directfaces'] > 1):
coo_out = avg_coo(coo_out, cr.json['face_coo_limit'])
for c in coo_out:
# add datetime to coords (same as obs)
c['datetime'] = act_date
if wrt.WriteData(c) < 1:
logging.error('Coord data write failed')
if 'inf_wr' in cr.json:
maxi = [max(abs(o['crossincline'].GetAngle('GON')),
for o in obs_out if 'crossincline' in o]
if maxi:
maxincl = max(maxi)
maxincl = -99
inf = {'datetime': act_date, 'nmon': len(mon_coords),
'nmonobs': len(obs_out)-1, 'maxincl': maxincl}
if wrt2.WriteData(inf) == -1:
logging.error('Station inf write failed')
# move telescope to safe position
ans = ts.Move(Angle(0), Angle(180, "DEG")) # no ATR
#if cr.json['ts_off']:
# ts.SwitchOff(1)