Source code for lsm9ds0unit

# based on SFE_LSM9DS0 Arduino Library
from measureunit import MeasureUnit

# LSM9DS0 Gyro Registers
WHO_AM_I_G          = 0x0F
CTRL_REG1_G         = 0x20
CTRL_REG2_G         = 0x21
CTRL_REG3_G         = 0x22
CTRL_REG4_G         = 0x23
CTRL_REG5_G         = 0x24
REFERENCE_G         = 0x25
STATUS_REG_G        = 0x27
OUT_X_L_G           = 0x28
OUT_X_H_G           = 0x29
OUT_Y_L_G           = 0x2A
OUT_Y_H_G           = 0x2B
OUT_Z_L_G           = 0x2C
OUT_Z_H_G           = 0x2D
FIFO_CTRL_REG_G     = 0x2E
FIFO_SRC_REG_G      = 0x2F
INT1_CFG_G          = 0x30
INT1_SRC_G          = 0x31
INT1_THS_XH_G       = 0x32
INT1_THS_XL_G       = 0x33
INT1_THS_YH_G       = 0x34
INT1_THS_YL_G       = 0x35
INT1_THS_ZH_G       = 0x36
INT1_THS_ZL_G       = 0x37
INT1_DURATION_G     = 0x38

# LSM9DS0 Accel/Magneto (XM) Registers 
OUT_TEMP_L_XM       = 0x05
OUT_TEMP_H_XM       = 0x06
STATUS_REG_M        = 0x07
OUT_X_L_M           = 0x08
OUT_X_H_M           = 0x09
OUT_Y_L_M           = 0x0A
OUT_Y_H_M           = 0x0B
OUT_Z_L_M           = 0x0C
OUT_Z_H_M           = 0x0D
WHO_AM_I_XM         = 0x0F
INT_CTRL_REG_M      = 0x12
INT_SRC_REG_M       = 0x13
INT_THS_L_M         = 0x14
INT_THS_H_M         = 0x15
OFFSET_X_L_M        = 0x16
OFFSET_X_H_M        = 0x17
OFFSET_Y_L_M        = 0x18
OFFSET_Y_H_M        = 0x19
OFFSET_Z_L_M        = 0x1A
OFFSET_Z_H_M        = 0x1B
REFERENCE_X         = 0x1C
REFERENCE_Y         = 0x1D
REFERENCE_Z         = 0x1E
CTRL_REG0_XM        = 0x1F
CTRL_REG1_XM        = 0x20
CTRL_REG2_XM        = 0x21
CTRL_REG3_XM        = 0x22
CTRL_REG4_XM        = 0x23
CTRL_REG5_XM        = 0x24
CTRL_REG6_XM        = 0x25
CTRL_REG7_XM        = 0x26
STATUS_REG_A        = 0x27
OUT_X_L_A           = 0x28
OUT_X_H_A           = 0x29
OUT_Y_L_A           = 0x2A
OUT_Y_H_A           = 0x2B
OUT_Z_L_A           = 0x2C
OUT_Z_H_A           = 0x2D
FIFO_CTRL_REG       = 0x2E
FIFO_SRC_REG        = 0x2F
INT_GEN_1_REG       = 0x30
INT_GEN_1_SRC       = 0x31
INT_GEN_1_THS       = 0x32
INT_GEN_2_REG       = 0x34
INT_GEN_2_SRC       = 0x35
INT_GEN_2_THS       = 0x36
CLICK_CFG           = 0x38
CLICK_SRC           = 0x39
CLICK_THS           = 0x3A
TIME_LIMIT          = 0x3B
TIME_LATENCY        = 0x3C
TIME_WINDOW         = 0x3D
ACT_THS             = 0x3E
ACT_DUR             = 0x3F

# gyro scales
G_SCALE_245DPS      = 0b00 # +/- 245 degrees per second
G_SCALE_500DPS      = 0b01 # +/- 500 dps
G_SCALE_2000DPS     = 0b10 # +/- 2000 dps

# accel scales
A_SCALE_2G          = 0b000 # +/- 2g
A_SCALE_4G          = 0b001 # +/- 4g
A_SCALE_6G          = 0b010 # +/- 6g
A_SCALE_8G          = 0b011 # +/- 8g
A_SCALE_16G         = 0b100 # +/- 16g

# mag scales
M_SCALE_2GS         = 0b00 # +/- 2Gs
M_SCALE_4GS         = 0b01 # +/- 4Gs
M_SCALE_8GS         = 0b10 # +/- 8Gs
M_SCALE_12GS        = 0b11 # +/- 12Gs

# gyro_odr defines all possible data rate/bandwidth combos of the gyro:
#                        ODR (Hz) --- Cutoff
G_ODR_95_BW_125  = 0x0 #   95         12.5
G_ODR_95_BW_25   = 0x1 #   95          25
# 0x2 and 0x3 define the same data rate and bandwidth
G_ODR_190_BW_125 = 0x4 #   190        12.5
G_ODR_190_BW_25  = 0x5 #   190         25
G_ODR_190_BW_50  = 0x6 #   190         50
G_ODR_190_BW_70  = 0x7 #   190         70
G_ODR_380_BW_20  = 0x8 #   380         20
G_ODR_380_BW_25  = 0x9 #   380         25
G_ODR_380_BW_50  = 0xA #   380         50
G_ODR_380_BW_100 = 0xB #   380         100
G_ODR_760_BW_30  = 0xC #   760         30
G_ODR_760_BW_35  = 0xD #   760         35
G_ODR_760_BW_50  = 0xE #   760         50
G_ODR_760_BW_100 = 0xF #   760         100

# accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the accelerometer:
A_POWER_DOWN     = 0 # Power-down mode (0x0)
A_ODR_3125       = 1 # 3.125 Hz (0x1)
A_ODR_625        = 2 # 6.25 Hz (0x2)
A_ODR_125        = 3 # 12.5 Hz (0x3)
A_ODR_25         = 4 # 25 Hz (0x4)
A_ODR_50         = 5 # 50 Hz (0x5)
A_ODR_100        = 6 # 100 Hz (0x6)
A_ODR_200        = 7 # 200 Hz (0x7)
A_ODR_400        = 8 # 400 Hz (0x8)
A_ODR_800        = 9 # 800 Hz (0x9)
A_ODR_1600       = 10 # 1600 Hz (0xA)

# mag_oder defines all possible output data rates of the magnetometer:
M_ODR_3125       = 0 # 3.125 Hz (0x00)
M_ODR_625        = 1 # 6.25 Hz (0x01)
M_ODR_125        = 2 # 12.5 Hz (0x02)
M_ODR_25         = 3 # 25 Hz (0x03)
M_ODR_50         = 4 #  50 (0x04)
M_ODR_100        = 5 # 100 Hz (0x05)
gyro_scales = {
	G_SCALE_245DPS:   8.75,
	G_SCALE_500DPS:  17.5,
	G_SCALE_2000DPS: 70

accel_scales = {
	A_SCALE_2G: 0.061,
	A_SCALE_4G: 0.122,
	A_SCALE_6G: 0.183,
	A_SCALE_8G: 0.244,
	A_SCALE_16G: 0.732

mag_scales = {
	M_SCALE_2GS: 0.008,
	M_SCALE_4GS: 0.016,
	M_SCALE_8GS: 0.032,
	M_SCALE_12GS: 0.048

[docs]class LSM9DS0Unit(MeasureUnit): """ LSM9DS0 9 DOF sensor :param name: name of measure unit (str), default LSM9DS0 :param typ: type of measure unit """ def __init__(self, name = 'LSM9DS0', typ = '9DOF'): """ Constructor """ super(LSM9DS0Unit, self).__init__(name, typ) self.accel_scale = None self.accel_odr = None self.mag_scale = None self.mag_odr = None self.gyro_scale = None self.gyro_odr = None
[docs] def WhoAmIMsg(self): """ get who am i reg :param reg: addres of who am i register :returns: content of who am i register """ return [('readU8', WHO_AM_I_G)]
[docs] def InitAccelMsg(self, accel_scale = A_SCALE_2G, accel_odr = A_ODR_3125): """ Initialize accelerometer :param accel_scale: measure range 2g/4g/6g/8g/16g (int), default 2g :param accel_odr: output data range (int), default 3.125 Hz :returns: initialize message of accelerometer """ self.accel_scale = accel_scale self.accel_odr = accel_odr reg0 = 0 # normal, no fifo, bypass reg1 = 0b1000 | 0b0111 | (accel_odr << 4) # refresh after read, three axes reg2 = accel_scale << 3 # +/-2g, normal reg3 = 0 # no interrupt return [('write8', CTRL_REG0_XM, reg0), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG1_XM, reg1), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG2_XM, reg2), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG3_XM, reg3)]
[docs] def InitMagMsg(self, mag_scale = M_SCALE_2GS, mag_odr = M_ODR_3125): """ Initialize magnetometer :param mag_scale: 2Gs/4Gs/8Gs/12Gs (int), default 2Gs :param mag_odr: output data range (int), default 3.125 :returns: initialize message of magnetometer """ self.mag_scale = mag_scale self.mag_odr = mag_odr reg5 = mag_odr << 2 # no temp, lowres reg6 = mag_scale << 5 reg7 = 0 reg4 = 0 # no interrupt return [('write8', CTRL_REG5_XM, reg5), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG6_XM, reg6), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG7_XM, reg7), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG4_XM, reg4)]
[docs] def InitGyroMsg(self, gyro_scale = G_SCALE_245DPS, \ gyro_odr = G_ODR_95_BW_125): """ Initialize gyroscope :param gyro_scale: 245/500/2000dps (int), default 245 dps :param gyro_odr: output data range (int), default 95 Hz :returns: initialize message of gyroscope """ self.gyro_scale = gyro_scale self.gyro_odr = gyro_odr reg1 = 0b1000 | 0b0111 | (gyro_odr << 4) # normal mode enable all axes reg2 = 0 # Normal mode, high cutoff frequency reg3 = 0 reg4 = gyro_scale << 4 reg5 = 0 return [('write8', CTRL_REG1_G, reg1), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG2_G, reg2), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG3_G, reg3), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG4_G, reg4), \ ('write8', CTRL_REG5_G, reg5)]
[docs] def GetGyroMsg(self): """ Read gyroscope message :returns: read gyro message (tuple) """ #return [('readList', OUT_X_L_G, 6)] # readList returns first byte 6 times! return [('readU8', OUT_X_L_G), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_G + 1), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_G + 2), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_G + 3), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_G + 4), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_G + 5)]
[docs] def GetAccelMsg(self): """ Read accelerometer message :returns: read accel message (tuple) """ #return [('readList', OUT_X_L_A, 6)] # readList returns first byte 6 times! return [('readU8', OUT_X_L_A), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_A + 1), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_A + 2), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_A + 3), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_A + 4), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_A + 5)]
[docs] def GetMagMsg(self): """ Read magnetometer message :returns: read mag message (tuple) """ #return [('readList', OUT_X_L_M, 6)] # readList returns first byte 6 times! return [('readU8', OUT_X_L_M), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_M + 1), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_M + 2), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_M + 3), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_M + 4), \ ('readU8', OUT_X_L_M + 5)]
def _convert(self, byte1, byte0): """ Convert 2 bytes 2nd complement to int :param byte1: most significant byte :param byte0: less significant byte :returns: integer value """ w = ('0000000' + bin(byte1)[2:])[-8:] + \ ('0000000' + bin(byte0)[2:])[-8:] if w[0] == '1': # negative value i = int(w, 2) - (1<<16) else: # positive value i = int(w, 2) return i
[docs] def Result(self, msg, ans, part = 'gyro'): """ Process answer got from sensor :param msg: message sent to device :param ans: answer got from device :param part: gyro/accel answer from gyro or accel :returns: processed values in dict """ res = {} if msg[0][1] == OUT_X_L_G and part == 'gyro': # scale gyro scale = gyro_scales[self.gyro_scale] res['gyro_x'] = self._convert(ans['data'][1], ans['data'][0]) * scale res['gyro_y'] = self._convert(ans['data'][3], ans['data'][2]) * scale res['gyro_z'] = self._convert(ans['data'][5], ans['data'][4]) * scale elif msg[0][1] == OUT_X_L_A: # scale accel scale = accel_scales[self.accel_scale] res['acc_x'] = self._convert(ans['data'][1], ans['data'][0]) * \ scale/ 1000. * 9.81 res['acc_y'] = self._convert(ans['data'][3], ans['data'][2]) * \ scale/ 1000. * 9.81 res['acc_z'] = self._convert(ans['data'][5], ans['data'][4]) * \ scale/ 1000. * 9.81 elif msg[0][1] == OUT_X_L_M: # scale mag scale = mag_scales[self.mag_scale] res['mag_x'] = self._convert(ans['data'][1], ans['data'][0]) * scale res['mag_y'] = self._convert(ans['data'][3], ans['data'][2]) * scale res['mag_z'] = self._convert(ans['data'][5], ans['data'][4]) * scale else: res = ans return res