Source code for leicameasureunit

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module::
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Ulyxes - an open source project to drive total stations and
       publish observation results. GPL v2.0 license Copyright (C)
       2010- Zoltan Siki <>

.. moduleauthor:: Zoltan Siki <>,
    Daniel Moka <>


import re
import logging
from measureunit import MeasureUnit
from angle import Angle

[docs]class LeicaMeasureUnit(MeasureUnit): """ This class contains the Leica robotic total station specific functions common to all leica robot TS :param name: name of ts (str), default 'Leica generic' :param type: type of ts (str), default 'TPS' """ # Constants for message codes codes = { 'SWITCHON': 111, 'SWITCHOFF': 112, 'SETPC': 2024, 'GETPC': 2023, 'INSTRNO': 5003, 'INSTRNAME': 5004, 'INTTEMP': 5011, 'SETATR': 9018, 'GETATR': 9019, 'SETLOCK': 9020, 'GETLOCK': 9021, 'LOCKIN': 9013, 'SETATMCORR': 2028, 'GETATMCORR': 2029, 'SETREFCORR': 2030, 'GETREFCORR': 2031, 'GETSTN': 2009, 'SETSTN': 2010, 'SETEDMMODE': 2020, 'GETEDMMODE': 2021, 'SETORI': 2113, 'MOVE': 9027, 'MEASURE': 2008, 'GETMEASURE': 2108, 'MEASUREANGDIST': 17017, 'COORDS': 2082, 'GETANGLES': 2003, 'CHANGEFACE': 9028, 'CLEARDIST': 2082, 'SETSEARCHAREA': 9043, 'POWERSEARCH': 9052, 'SEARCHNEXT': 9051, 'SETREDLASER': 1004, 'GETPT': 17009, 'SETPT': 17008, 'GETSPIRAL': 9040, 'SETSPIRAL': 9041, 'SEARCHTARGET': 17020 } # Constants for EMD modes edmModes = {'STANDARD': 0, 'PRECISE': 1, 'FAST': 2, 'TRACKING': 3, 'AVERAGING': 4, 'FASTTRACKING': 5} # Constants for EDM programs edmProg = {'STOP': 0, 'DEFAULT': 1, 'TRACKING': 2, 'CLEAR': 3} def __init__(self, name='Leica generic', typ='TPS'): """ Constructor to leica generic ts """ # call super class init super().__init__(name, typ)
[docs] @staticmethod def GetCapabilities(): """ Get instrument specialities :returns: empty list, do not use generic instrument """ return []
[docs] def Result(self, msgs, anss): """ Parse answer from message :param msgs: messages sent to instrument :param anss: aswers got from instrument :returns: dictionary """ msgList = re.split('\|', msgs) ansList = re.split('\|', anss) res = {} for msg, ans in zip(msgList, ansList): # get command id form message msgBufflist = re.split(':|,', msg) try: commandID = int(msgBufflist[1]) except Exception: commandID = -1 # get error code from answer ansBufflist = re.split(':|,', ans) try: errCode = int(ansBufflist[3]) if commandID ==['GETMEASURE']: res['hz'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[4])) res['v'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[5])) res['distance'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) # MeasureDistAng elif commandID ==['MEASUREANGDIST']: res['hz'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[4])) res['v'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[5])) res['distance'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) # Prism constant elif commandID ==['GETPC']: res['pc'] = float(ansBufflist[4]) # Prism type elif commandID ==['GETPT']: res['pt'] = int(ansBufflist[4]) # ATR elif commandID ==['GETATR']: res['atrStatus'] = int(ansBufflist[4]) #GetLockStatus() elif commandID ==['GETLOCK']: res['lockStat'] = int(ansBufflist[4]) #GetAtmCorr() elif commandID ==['GETATMCORR']: res['lambda'] = ansBufflist[4] res['pressure'] = float(ansBufflist[5]) res['dryTemp'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) res['wetTemp'] = float(ansBufflist[7]) #GetRefCorr() elif commandID ==['GETREFCORR']: res['status'] = ansBufflist[4] res['earthRadius'] = float(ansBufflist[5]) res['refractiveScale'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) elif commandID ==['GETSTN']: res['east'] = float(ansBufflist[4]) res['north'] = float(ansBufflist[5]) res['elev'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) res['ih'] = float(ansBufflist[7]) elif commandID ==['GETEDMMODE']: res['edmMode'] = int(ansBufflist[4]) #Coords() elif commandID ==['COORDS']: res['east'] = float(ansBufflist[4]) res['north'] = float(ansBufflist[5]) res['elev'] = float(ansBufflist[6]) #GetAngles() elif commandID ==['GETANGLES']: res['hz'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[4])) res['v'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[5])) res['crossincline'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[8])) res['lengthincline'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[9])) # GetSpiral() elif commandID ==['GETSPIRAL']: res['hzRange'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[4])) res['vRange'] = Angle(float(ansBufflist[5])) elif commandID ==['INSTRNO']: res['instrNo'] = ansBufflist[4] elif commandID ==['INSTRNAME']: res['instrName'] = ansBufflist[4] elif commandID ==['INTTEMP']: res['intTemp'] = float(ansBufflist[4]) except ValueError: errCode = -1 # invalid answer except IndexError: errCode = -2 # instrument off? if errCode != 0: logging.error(" error from instrument: %d (command %d)", errCode, commandID) res['errorCode'] = errCode #if not errCode in (1283, 1284, 1285, 1288): # do not stop if accuracy is not perfect return res
[docs] def SetPcMsg(self, pc): """ Set prism constant :param pc: prism constant [mm] :returns: set prism constant message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETPC']}:{pc}"
[docs] def GetPcMsg(self): """ Get prism constant :returns: get prism constant message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETPC']}:"
[docs] def SetPrismTypeMsg(self, typ): """ Set prism type :param typ: prism type (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 round/mini/tape/360/user1/user2/user3/360 mini) """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETPT']}:{typ}"
[docs] def GetPrismTypeMsg(self): """ Get prism type :returns: prism type (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 round/mini/tape/360/user1/user2/user3/360 mini) """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETPT']}:"
[docs] def SetATRMsg(self, atr): """ Set ATR status on/off :param atr: 0/1 = off/on :returns: set atr message string """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETATR']}:{atr}"
[docs] def GetATRMsg(self): """ Get ATR status :returns: get atr message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETATR']}:"
[docs] def SetLockMsg(self, lock): """ Set Lock status :param lock: 0/1 = off/on :returns: set lock status message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETLOCK']}:{lock}"
[docs] def GetLockMsg(self): """ Get Lock status :returns: get lock status message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETLOCK']}:"
[docs] def LockInMsg(self): """ Activate lock :returns: active lock message """ return f"%R1Q,{['LOCKIN']}:"
[docs] def SetAtmCorrMsg(self, valueOfLambda, pres, dry, wet): """ Set atmospheric correction settings :param valueOfLambda: Constant for the instrument not changeable, use GetAtmCorr to get value :param pres: pressure value :param dry: dry temperature :param wet: wet temperature :returns: set atmospheric correction message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETATMCORR']}:{valueOfLambda:.8f},{pres},{dry},{wet}"
[docs] def GetAtmCorrMsg(self): """ Get atmospheric correction settings :returns: iget atmospheric settings message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETATMCORR']}:"
[docs] def SetRefCorrMsg(self, status, earthRadius, refracticeScale): """ Set refraction correction settings :param status: 0/1 = off/on :param earthRadius: radius ot the Earth :param refracticeScale: refractice scale :returns: set refraction message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETREFCORR']}:{status},{earthRadius},{refracticeScale}"
[docs] def GetRefCorrMsg(self): """ Get refraction correction setting :returns: get refraction correction message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETREFCORR']}:"
[docs] def SetStationMsg(self, e, n, z, ih=0.0): """ Set station coordinates :param e: easting :param n: northing :param z: elevation :param ih: instrument height (optional, default 0) :returns: set station coordinates message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETSTN']}:{e},{n},{z},{ih}"
[docs] def GetStationMsg(self): """ Get station coordinates :returns: get station coordinates message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETSTN']}:"
[docs] def SetEDMModeMsg(self, mode): """ Set EDM mode :param mode: string name/code :returns: set edm mode message """ if type(mode) is str: imode = self.edmModes[mode] else: imode = mode return f"%R1Q,{['SETEDMMODE']}:{imode}"
[docs] def GetEDMModeMsg(self): """ Get EDM mode :returns: get edm mode message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETEDMMODE']}:"
[docs] def SetOriMsg(self, ori): """ Set orientation angle :param ori: bearing of direction (Angle) :returns: 0 or error code """ ori_rad = ori.GetAngle('RAD') return f"%R1Q,{['SETORI']}:{ori_rad}"
[docs] def MoveMsg(self, hz, v, atr=0): """ Rotate instrument to direction with ATR or without ATR :param hz: horizontal direction (Angle) :param v: zenith angle (Angle) :param atr: 0/1 atr off/on, default off :returns: rotate message """ # change angles to radian hz_rad = hz.GetAngle('RAD') v_rad = v.GetAngle('RAD') return f"%R1Q,{['MOVE']}:{hz_rad},{v_rad},0,{atr},0"
[docs] def MeasureMsg(self, prg=1, incl=0): """ Measure distance :param prg: measure program 1/2/3/... = default/track/clear..., optional (default 1, mode set before) :param incl: inclination calculation - 0/1/2 = measure always (slow)/calculate (fast)/automatic, optional (default 0) :returns: measure message """ return f"%R1Q,{['MEASURE']}:{prg},{incl}"
[docs] def GetMeasureMsg(self, wait=15000, incl=0): """ Get measured distance :param wait: time in ms, optional (default 15000), it must be greater than 12000, the default on the instrument :param incl: inclination calculation - 0/1/2 = measure always (slow)/calculate (fast)/automatic, optional (default 0) :returns: get simple measurement message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETMEASURE']}:{wait},{incl}"
[docs] def MeasureDistAngMsg(self, prg): """ Measure angles and distance :param prg: EDM program :returns: measure angle distance message """ if type(prg) is str: prg = self.edmProg[prg] return f"%R1Q,{['MEASUREANGDIST']}:{prg}"
[docs] def CoordsMsg(self, wait=15000, incl=0): """ Get coordinates :param wait: wait-time in ms, optional (default 15000), it must be greater than 12000, the default on instrument :param incl: inclination calculation - 0/1/2 = measure always (slow)/calculate (fast)/automatic, optional (default 0) :returns: get coordinates message """ return f"%R1Q,{['COORDS']}:{wait},{incl}"
[docs] def GetAnglesMsg(self): """ Get angles :returns: get angles message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETANGLES']}:0"
[docs] def ClearDistanceMsg(self): """ Clearing distance :returns: clear distance message """ return self.MeasureMsg(self, 3)
[docs] def ChangeFaceMsg(self): """ Change face :returns: change face message """ return f"%R1Q,{['CHANGEFACE']}:"
[docs] def GetSpiralMsg(self): """ Get search spiral parameters :returns: get spiral message """ return f"%R1Q,{['GETSPIRAL']}:"
[docs] def SetSpiralMsg(self, dRangeHz, dRangeV): """ Set search priral parameters :param dRangeHz: horizontal range of search (Angle) :param dRangeV: vertical range of search (Angle) :returns: set search spiral message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SETSPIRAL']}:{dRangeHz.GetAngle('RAD')},{dRangeV.GetAngle('RAD')}"
[docs] def SearchTargetMsg(self): """ Search target using user spiral :returns: Search target message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SEARCHTARGET']}:"
[docs] def SwitchOnMsg(self, mode=1): """ Switch on instrument or wake up and change to remote mode :param mode: startup mode 0/1 local/remote :returns: switch on message """ return f"%R1Q,{['SWITCHON']}:{mode}"
[docs] def SwitchOffMsg(self): """ Switch off instrument """ return 'b'
[docs] def GetInstrumentNoMsg(self): """ Get instrument factory number :returns: get instrument factory number message """ return f"%R1Q,{['INSTRNO']}:"
[docs] def GetInstrumentNameMsg(self): """ Get instrument name :returns: get instrument name """ return f"%R1Q,{['INSTRNAME']}:"
[docs] def GetInternalTemperatureMsg(self): """ Get instrument internal temperature :returns: instrument internal temperature """ return f"%R1Q,{['INTTEMP']}:"