Source code for httpreader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module::
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Ulyxes - an open source project to drive total stations and
           publish observation results.
           GPL v2.0 license
           Copyright (C) 2010- Zoltan Siki <>

.. moduleauthor:: Zoltan Siki <>

#import logging
import json
    from urllib.request import urlopen # for python 3
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlencode
    from urllib2 import urlopen        # for python 2

from reader import Reader

[docs]class HttpReader(Reader): """ Class to read data from web in JSON format No filter implemented filter by point name and point type TODO :param name: name of reader (str), default None :param url: url to read from :param pids: point ids to query, list :param ptys: point types to query FIX/STA/MON list """ FLOATS = ['east', 'north', 'elev', 'pc'] def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, pids=None, ptys=None, \ filt=None): """ Constructor """ super().__init__(name, filt) self.state = self.RD_OK if url[-1] != '?': url += '?' self.url = url self.pids = pids self.ptys = ptys self.start = 0 # start position in returned JSON array self.res = [] def __del__(self): """ Destructor """ pass @staticmethod def _process(row): """ convert numeric fields from text to float :param row: dict of data """ for key in row: if key in HttpReader.FLOATS: row[key] = float(row[key]) return row
[docs] def GetNext(self): """ Get next line from url :returns: dictionay with values """ if self.start: if len(self.res) > self.start: self.start += 1 return self._process(self.res[self.start - 1]) return None par = {} if self.pids is not None: par['pids'] = ','.join(self.pids) if self.ptys is not None: par['ptys'] = ','.join(self.ptys) self.res = json.loads(urlopen(self.url + urlencode(par)).read()) if len(self.res) > 0: self.start += 1 return self._process(self.res[0]) return None
if __name__ == "__main__": # read most recent coordinates of all 3D monitoring points from server rd = HttpReader(url='http://localhost/monitoring/query.php', ptys='MON', \ filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev']) print(rd.Load())