#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module:: horizsection.py
.. moduleauthor:: Viktoria Zubaly, Zoltan Siki
Sample application of Ulyxes PyAPI to measure horizontal section(s).
Several parameters can be set from the command line of from a
JSON configuration file.
Parameters are stored in a config file using JSON format::
log_file: name of log file
log_level: 10/20/30/40/50
log_format: format string for log file
angle_step: angle step in section
station type: Total station type 1200/1100/5500
station_east: Station east coordinate
station_north: Station north coordinate
station_elev: Station elevation
port: Communication port
hz_start: Horizontal start direction bottom
hz_top: Horizontam start direction top
max_angle: Max angle from start direction at bottom
max_top: Max angle from top direction
tolerance: Height tolerance
iteration: number of iterations to find section
height_list: Elevation list for section
Command line parameters::
-l LOG, --log LOG Logfile name "stdout" for screen output
--level LEVEL Log level
--format FORMAT Log format
--step STEP Angle step in section
--type TYPE Total station type
--east EAST Station east
--north NORTH Station north
--elev ELEV Station elevation
-p PORT, --port PORT Communication port
--start START Horizontal start direction
--top TOP Horizontal start direction at top
--max MAX Max angle
--tmax TMAX Max angle at top
--tol TOL Height tolerance
--iter ITER Max iteration to find section
--heights HEIGHTS list of elevations for more sections
--wrt WRT Output file
import sys
import os.path
import re
import math
import logging
import argparse
if len([p for p in sys.path if 'pyapi' in p]) == 0:
if os.path.isdir('../pyapi/'):
print("pyapi not found")
print("Add pyapi directory to the Python path or start your application from ulyxes/pyapps folder")
from angle import Angle, PI2
from serialiface import SerialIface
from csvwriter import CsvWriter
from confreader import ConfReader
from leicatps1200 import LeicaTPS1200
from leicatcra1100 import LeicaTCRA1100
from trimble5500 import Trimble5500
from totalstation import TotalStation
[docs]class HorizontalSection():
""" Measure a horizontal section at a given elevation
:param ts: total station instance
:param elev: elevation for section
:param hz_start: start horizontal direction (Angle)
:param step: horizontal step angle (Angle)
:param hz_max: end horizontal direction (radians)
:param maxiter: max iteration to find elevation
:param tol: tolerance for horizontal angle
:param levels: more parameters at horizontal cross sections to measure
def __init__(self, ts, wrt, elev=None, hz_start=None,
stepinterval=Angle(45, "DEG"), maxa=Angle(PI2), maxiter=10, tol=0.02):
""" initialize """
self.ts = ts
self.wrt = wrt
self.elev = elev
self.hz_start = hz_start
self.stepinterval = stepinterval
self.maxa = maxa
self.maxiter = maxiter
self.tol = tol
[docs] def run(self):
""" do the observations in horizontal section """
if self.hz_start is not None:
# rotate to start position, keeping zenith angle
a = self.ts.GetAngles()
self.ts.Move(self.hz_start, a['v'])
self.ts.Measure() # initial measurement for startpoint
startp = self.ts.GetMeasure()
startp0 = None
if self.ts.measureIface.state != self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK or 'errorCode' in startp:
print('FATAL Cannot measure startpoint')
return 1
# height of startpoint above the horizontal axis
if self.elev is None:
height0 = ts.Coords()['elev']
height0 = self.elev
w = True
self.ts.SetRedLaser(1) # turn on red laser if possible
except Exception:
act = Angle(0) # actual angle from startpoint
while act.GetAngle() < self.maxa.GetAngle(): # go around the whole section
self.ts.Measure() # measure distance0
if self.ts.measureIface.state != self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK:
self.ts.measureIface.state = self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK
self.ts.MoveRel(self.stepinterval, Angle(0))
nextp = self.ts.GetMeasure() # get observation data
if self.ts.measureIface.state != self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK:
# cannot measure, skip
self.ts.measureIface.state = self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK
self.ts.MoveRel(self.stepinterval, Angle(0))
if 'v' not in nextp or 'hz' not in nextp or \
'distance' not in nextp or nextp['distance'] < 0.1:
self.ts.MoveRel(self.stepinterval, Angle(0))
height = ts.Coords()['elev']
index = 0
while abs(height-height0) > self.tol: # looking for right elevation
w = True
zenith = nextp['v'].GetAngle()
height_rel = nextp['distance'] * math.cos(zenith)
hd = math.sin(zenith) * nextp['distance']
zenith1 = abs(math.atan(hd / (height_rel + height0 - height)))
self.ts.MoveRel(Angle(0), Angle(zenith1-zenith))
ans = self.ts.Measure()
if 'errCode' in ans:
print('Cannot measure point')
index += 1
if index > self.maxiter or \
self.ts.measureIface.state != self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK:
w = False
self.ts.measureIface.state = self.ts.measureIface.IF_OK
logging.warning('Missing measurement')
nextp = self.ts.GetMeasure()
if 'v' not in nextp or 'distance' not in nextp:
height = ts.Coords()['elev']
if 'distance' in nextp and startp0 is None:
startp0 = nextp # store first valid point on section
if 'distance' in nextp and w:
coord = self.ts.Coords()
res = dict(list(nextp.items()) + list(coord.items()))
self.ts.MoveRel(self.stepinterval, Angle(0))
act += self.stepinterval
# rotate back to start
if startp0 is not None:
self.ts.Move(startp0['hz'], startp0['v'])
self.ts.SetRedLaser(0) # turn off red laser if possible
except Exception:
return 0
[docs]def cmd_params():
""" process command line parameters
parameters can be given by switches or in a json file
# defaults
def_logfile = 'stdout'
def_logging = logging.ERROR
def_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s"
def_angle = 45.0
def_east = 0.0
def_north = 0.0
def_elev = 0.0
def_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
def_start = None
def_top = None
def_max = 359.9
def_tmax = None
def_tol = 0.01
def_iter = 10
def_hlist = None
def_wrt = 'stdout'
hz_start = def_start
levels = None
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
# process JSON config and drop other switches
config_pars = {
'log_file': {'required' : False, 'type': 'file', 'default': def_logfile},
'log_level': {'required' : False, 'type': 'int',
'set': [logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING,
logging.ERROR, logging.FATAL],
'default': def_logging},
'log_format': {'required': False, 'default': def_format},
'angle_step' : {'required': False, 'type': "float", 'default': def_angle},
'station_type': {'required' : True, 'type': 'str', 'set': ['1200', '1100', '5500']},
'station_east': {'required' : False, 'type': 'float', 'default': def_east},
'station_north': {'required' : False, 'type': 'float', 'default': def_north},
'station_elev': {'required' : False, 'type': 'float', 'default': def_elev},
'port': {'required' : False, 'type': 'str', 'default': def_port},
'hz_start': {"required": False, 'type': "str", 'default': def_start},
'hz_top': {"required": False, 'type': "str", 'default': def_top},
'max_angle': {'required': False, 'type': "float", 'default': def_max},
'max_top': {'required': False, 'type': "float", 'default': def_tmax},
'tolerance': {'required': False, 'type': "float", 'default': def_tol},
'iteration': {'required': False, 'type': 'int', 'default': def_iter},
'height_list': {'required': False, 'type': 'list', 'default': def_hlist},
'wrt': {'required' : False, 'default': 'stdout'},
'__comment__': {'required': False, 'type': 'str'}
cr = ConfReader('HorizontalSection', sys.argv[1], config_pars)
state, msg_lst = cr.Check()
if state == "FATAL":
print("Config check failed")
for msg in msg_lst:
filename=cr.json['log_file'], filemode='a',
# deffered config warnings
if state == "WARNING":
for msg in msg_lst:
if cr.json['hz_start'] is not None:
hz_start = Angle(float(cr.json['hz_start']), 'DEG')
if cr.json['hz_top'] is not None:
hz_top = Angle(float(cr.json['hz_top']), 'DEG')
hz_top = hz_start
stepinterval = Angle(cr.json['angle_step'], 'DEG')
stationtype = cr.json['station_type']
east = cr.json['station_east']
north = cr.json['station_north']
elev = cr.json['station_elev']
port = cr.json['port']
maxa = Angle(cr.json['max_angle'], "DEG")
if cr.json['max_top'] is not None:
maxt = Angle(cr.json['max_top'], "DEG")
maxt = maxa
tol = cr.json['tolerance']
maxiter = cr.json['iteration']
wrt_file = cr.json['wrt']
levels = cr.json['height_list']
# process command line switches
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', type=str, default=def_logfile,
help='Logfile name "stdout" for screen output')
parser.add_argument('--level', type=int, default=def_logging,
help='Log level')
parser.add_argument('--format', type=str, default=def_format,
help='Log format')
parser.add_argument('--step', type=float, default=def_angle,
help='Angle step in section')
parser.add_argument('--type', type=str,
help='Total station type')
parser.add_argument('--east', type=float, default=def_east,
help='Station east')
parser.add_argument('--north', type=float, default=def_north,
help='Station north')
parser.add_argument('--elev', type=float, default=def_elev,
help='Station elevation')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=str, default=def_port,
help='Communication port')
parser.add_argument('--start', type=float, default=def_start,
help='Horizontal start direction')
parser.add_argument('--top', type=float, default=def_top,
help='Horizontal start direction at top')
parser.add_argument('--max', type=float, default=def_max,
help='Max angle')
parser.add_argument('--tmax', type=float, default=def_tmax,
help='Max angle at top')
parser.add_argument('--tol', type=float, default=def_tol,
help='Height tolerance')
parser.add_argument('--iter', type=int, default=def_iter,
help='Max iteration to find section')
parser.add_argument('--heights', type=str, default=def_hlist,
help='list of elevations for more sections')
parser.add_argument('--wrt', type=str, default=def_wrt,
help='Output file')
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(format=args.format, filename=args.log, filemode='a',
if args.start is not None:
hz_start = Angle(args.start, 'DEG')
stepinterval = Angle(args.step, 'DEG')
stationtype = args.type
east = args.east
north = args.north
elev = args.elev
port = args.port
maxa = Angle(args.max, "DEG")
maxt = maxa
hz_top = hz_start
tol = args.tol
maxiter = args.iter
wrt_file = args.wrt
if args.heights is not None:
levels = [float(l) for l in args.heights.split()]
except Exception:
print("parameter error --heights")
if stationtype is None:
return {'hz_start': hz_start, 'hz_top': hz_top,
'stepinterval': stepinterval,
'stationtype': stationtype,
'east': east, 'north': north, 'elev': elev, 'port': port,
'max': maxa, 'maxt': maxt,
'tol': tol, 'iter': maxiter, 'wrt': wrt_file, 'levels': levels}
if __name__ == "__main__":
# process parameters
params = cmd_params()
# writer for instrument
wrt = CsvWriter(angle='DMS', dist='.3f',
filt=['id', 'east', 'north', 'elev', 'hz', 'v', 'distance'],
fname=params['wrt'], mode='a', sep=';')
# iface for instrument
iface = SerialIface("rs-232", params['port'])
if iface.state != iface.IF_OK:
print("serial error")
# measure interface for instrument
if re.search('120[0-9]$', params['stationtype']):
mu = LeicaTPS1200()
elif re.search('110[0-9]$', params['stationtype']):
mu = LeicaTCRA1100()
elif re.search('550[0-9]$', params['stationtype']):
mu = Trimble5500()
iface.eomRead = b'>'
print("unsupported instrument type")
# create instrument
ts = TotalStation(params['stationtype'], mu, iface)
if isinstance(mu, Trimble5500):
print("Please change to reflectorless EDM mode (MNU 722 from keyboard)")
print("and turn on red laser (MNU 741 from keyboard) and press enter!")
ts.SetEDMMode('RLSTANDARD') # reflectorless distance measurement
# set station coordinates
ts.SetStation(params['east'], params['north'], params['elev'])
levels = params['levels']
if levels is not None and len(levels) > 0:
dhz = params['hz_top'].GetAngle("DEG") - params['hz_start'].GetAngle("DEG")
z0 = levels[0]
z1 = levels[-1]
dmax = params['maxt'].GetAngle("DEG") - params['max'].GetAngle("DEG")
for level in levels:
hz = Angle(params['hz_start'].GetAngle("DEG") + (level - z0) / (z1 - z0) * dhz, "DEG")
ma = Angle(params['max'].GetAngle("DEG") + (level - z0) / (z1 - z0) * dmax, "DEG")
h_sec = HorizontalSection(ts, wrt, level, hz,
params['stepinterval'], ma,
params['iter'], params['tol'])
h_sec = HorizontalSection(ts, wrt, None, params['hz_start'],
params['stepinterval'], params['max'],
params['iter'], params['tol'])