Source code for freestation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module::
    :platform: Linux, Windows
    :synopsis: interface modul to GNU Gama

.. moduleauthor::Zoltan Siki <>

    calculate 3D coordinates of a station from polar observations as a
    free starion, blunders are eliminated

    :param argv[1]: input geo/coo or dmp/csv file
    :param argv[2]: gama-local path

import sys
import os
import logging

if len([p for p in sys.path if 'pyapi' in p]) == 0:
    if os.path.isdir('../pyapi/'):
        print("pyapi not found")
        print("Add pyapi directory to the Python path or start your application from ulyxes/pyapps folder")

from georeader import GeoReader
from csvreader import CsvReader
from gamaiface import GamaIface

[docs]class Freestation(object): """ Calculate freestation and remove blunders :param obs: list of observations :param coords: coordinates of points :param gama_path: path to gama-local :param dimiension: dimension of adjustment 1/2/3, optional default 3 :param probability: probability level, optional, default 0.95 :param stdev_angle: angle measurement standard deviation (seconds), optional, default 1" :param stdev_dist: distance measurement additive standard deviation (mm), optional, default 1 mm :param stdev_dist1: distance measurement multiplicative standdard deviation (mm/km), optional, default 1.5 mm/km :param blunders: remove blunders, optional, default True """ def __init__(self, obs, coords, gama_path, dimension=3, probability=0.95, stdev_angle=1, stdev_dist=1, stdev_dist1=1.5, blunders=True): """ initialize """ # create gama interface self.g = GamaIface(gama_path, dimension, probability, stdev_angle, stdev_dist, stdev_dist1) self.blunders = blunders ns = 0 # number of stations no = 0 # number of observations self.station = None for w in obs: if 'station' in w: ns += 1 if ns > 1: break # stop after first station self.station = w['station'] self.g.add_observation(w) elif 'id' in w and 'hz' in w and 'v' in w and 'distance' in w: no += 1 # number of observations self.g.add_observation(w) for w in coords: if 'id' in w and w['id'] == self.station: self.g.add_point(w, 'ADJ') elif 'east' in w and 'north' in w and 'elev' in w: self.g.add_point(w, 'FIX')
[docs] def Adjustment(self): """ adjustment & and blunder removing :returns: adjusted coordinates or None """ # adjustment loop last_res = None n = 0 # number of blunders removed while True: res, blunder = self.g.adjust() if res is None or 'east' not in res or 'north' not in res or \ 'elev' not in res: # adjustment faild or too many blunders if last_res is not None: logging.warning("blunders are not fully removed") res = last_res else: logging.error("adjustment failed") break elif not self.blunders: logging.warning("no blunders checked") break elif blunder['std-residual'] <= self.g.krit:"%d blunders removed", n) break else:"%s - %s observation removed", blunder['from'], blunder['to']) self.g.remove_observation(blunder['from'], blunder['to']) last_res = res n += 1 return [res]
if __name__ == "__main__": #logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) fname = "/home/siki/GeoEasy_old/data/freestation.geo" gama_path = '/home/siki/GeoEasy/gama-local' if len(sys.argv) > 1: fname = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(fname): print("File not found: " + fname) sys.exit(-1) else: print("Usage: input_file gama_path") sys.exit(-1) if fname[-4:] not in ['.geo', '.coo', '.dmp', '.csv']: fname += '.geo' if len(sys.argv) > 2: gama_path = sys.argv[2] else: gama_path = '/home/siki/GeoEasy/src/gama-local' # load observations and coordinates fn = fname[:-4] # remove extension ext = fname[-4:] if ext in ['.geo', '.coo']: obs = GeoReader(fname=fn+'.geo') else: obs = CsvReader(fname=fn+'.dmp') # load observations observations = obs.Load() # load coordinates and add to adjustment if ext in ['.geo', '.coo']: coo = GeoReader(fname=fn+'.coo') else: coo = CsvReader(fname=fn+'.csv') n = 0 # number of points st = False # station found coords = coo.Load() f = Freestation(observations, coords, gama_path) print(f.Adjustment())