Source code for coomaker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module::

.. moduleauthor:: Zoltan Siki

Sample application of Ulyxes PyAPI to create input coo file for robot/robotplus
Output file uses GeoEasy coo

    :param argv[1]: output file with observations
    :param argv[2] (sensor): 1100/1800/1200/5500, default 1200
    :param argv[3] (port): serial port, default COM1

For each target point the point id and prism constant must be input

import sys
import re
import logging
import os.path

if len([p for p in sys.path if 'pyapi' in p]) == 0:
    if os.path.isdir('../pyapi/'):
        print("pyapi not found")
        print("Add pyapi directory to the Python path or start your application from ulyxes/pyapps folder")

from angle import Angle
from serialiface import SerialIface
from geowriter import GeoWriter
from totalstation import TotalStation
from leicatps1200 import LeicaTPS1200
from leicatcra1100 import LeicaTCRA1100
from leicatca1800 import LeicaTCA1800
from trimble5500 import Trimble5500

[docs]def GetFloat(prompt, default=0.0, errstr="Invalid value!"): """ read a float value with error control & default :param prompt: message to write out to the user :param default: default value :param errstr: error message if input not float :returns: value entered or none """ val = None while val is None: ans = raw_input((prompt + "[{:.1f}]: ").format(default)) if len(ans): try: val = float(ans) except ValueError: print(errstr) else: val = default return val
[docs]def GetInt(prompt, default=0.0, errstr="Invalid value!"): """ read an int value with error control & default :param prompt: message to write out to the user :param default: default value :param errstr: error message if input not float :returns: value entered or none """ val = None while val is None: ans = raw_input((prompt + "[{:d}]: ").format(default)) if len(ans): try: val = int(ans) except ValueError: print(errstr) else: val = default return val
if __name__ == "__main__": if sys.version_info[0] > 2: # Python 3 compatibility raw_input = input # process commandline parameters if len(sys.argv) > 1: ofname = sys.argv[1] else: print("Usage: output_file [sensor] [serial_port]") exit(-1) if ofname[-4:] == '.geo' or ofname[-4:] == '.coo': ofname = ofname[:-4] otype = 'geo' else: print("invalid output type, allowed types: .geo, .coo") exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) > 2: stationtype = sys.argv[2] else: stationtype = '1200' if'120[0-9]$', stationtype): mu = LeicaTPS1200() elif'110[0-9]$', stationtype): mu = LeicaTCRA1100() elif'180[0-9]$', stationtype): mu = LeicaTCA1800() elif'550[0-9]$', stationtype): mu = Trimble5500() else: print("unsupported instrument type") exit(1) if len(sys.argv) > 3: port = sys.argv[3] else: port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' #logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print("We suppose the orientation is set on the station") iface = SerialIface("rs-232", port) if iface.state != iface.IF_OK: sys.exit(1) geo_wrt = GeoWriter(dist='.4f', angle='RAD', fname=ofname+'.geo', mode='a') coo_wrt = GeoWriter(dist='.4f', angle='RAD', fname=ofname + '.coo', mode='a') ts = TotalStation(stationtype, mu, iface) # get station data coo = {} coo['id'] = raw_input("Station id: ") coo['east'] = GetFloat("Station east ") coo['north'] = GetFloat("Station north ") coo['elev'] = GetFloat("Station elev ") ih = GetFloat("Instrument height ") coo_wrt.WriteData(coo) # upload station coordinates and instrument height to the instrument res = {'errorCode': 0} i = 1 while 'errorCode' in res and i < 3: res = ts.SetStation(coo['east'], coo['north'], coo['elev'], ih) i += 1 if 'errorCode' in res: print("Failed to upload station coordinates code: {:d}".format(res['errorCode'])) exit() geo = {} if otype == 'geo': geo['station'] = coo['id'] geo['ih'] = ih geo_wrt.WriteData(geo) atr = 1 ts.SetEDMMode('STANDARD') pc = 0.0 p = 0 #if isinstance(ts.GetMeasureUnit(), LeicaTPS1200): # print("Prism types:") # for i in range(20): # res = ts.SetPrismType(i) # if 'errorCode' in res: # continue # res = ts.GetPc() # if 'errorCode' in res: # continue # if 'pc' in res: # print(i, res['pc'] * 1000, " mm") while 1: t_id = raw_input("Target id: ") if len(t_id) == 0: break if isinstance(ts.GetMeasureUnit(), LeicaTPS1200): p = GetInt("Prism number (-99 for none) ", p) if p >= 0: ts.SetPrismType(p) else: pc = -99 atr = 0 if p == 2 else 1 # prism 2 is the foil marker else: pc = GetFloat("Prism constant [mm] (-99 for none) ", pc) if pc > -99: ts.SetPc(pc / 1000.0) #pc = -99 atr = 0 if pc == 34.4 else 1 # 34.4 is the PC for direct reflext on Leica print(ts.GetPc()) ts.SetATR(atr) raw_input("Target on prism and press enter") if atr: res = ts.MoveRel(Angle(0), Angle(0), atr) if 'errorCode' in res or ts.measureIface.state != ts.measureIface.IF_OK: print("Cannot target on prism") ts.measureIface.state = ts.measureIface.IF_OK continue res = ts.Measure() obs = ts.GetMeasure() obs['id'] = t_id geo_wrt.WriteData(obs) coo = ts.Coords() coo['id'] = t_id if pc > -99: coo['pc'] = pc elif 'pc' in coo: del coo['pc'] coo_wrt.WriteData(coo)