Source code for camerastation

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module::
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Ulyxes - an open source project to drive total stations and
       publish observation results.  GPL v2.0 license Copyright (C)
       2010- Zoltan Siki <>

.. moduleauthor:: Bence Turak <>

import sys
from totalstation import TotalStation
#from serialiface import SerialIface
from camera import Camera
#from steppermotor import StepperMotor
from imgprocess import ImgProcess
import numpy as np
import os
import cv2
import recognition as rec
from angle import Angle
import math
import time

[docs]class CameraStation(TotalStation, Camera): '''CameraStation class for TotalStation combinated with camera :param name: name of instrument :param measureUnit: measure unit part of instrument :param measureIface: interface to physical unit :param writerUnit: store data, default None ''' #constants #FOCUS_CLOSER = 1 #FOCUS_FARTHER = 2 def __init__(self, name, measureUnit, measureIface, writerUnit = None): '''constructor ''' TotalStation.__init__(self, name, measureUnit, measureIface, writerUnit) Camera.__init__(self, name, measureUnit, measureIface, writerUnit) #StepperMotor.__init__(self, stepperMotorUnit, speed, halfSteps) self._affinParams = None
[docs] def LoadAffinParams(self, file): """Load affin params to measure on pictures :param file: name of the params file (It have to be .npy file) """ self._affinParams = np.load(file)
[docs] def PicMes(self, photoName, targetType = None): '''Measure angles between the target and the optical axis :param photoName: name of the photo :param targetType: type of the target :returns: horizontal (hz) and vertical (v) correction angle in dictionary ''' ok = False while not ok: print(photoName) file = open(photoName, 'w+b') print((int(self._affinParams[0,3]), int(self._affinParams[1,3]))) ang = self.GetAngles() self.TakePhoto(file, (int(self._affinParams[0,3]), int(self._affinParams[1,3]))) file.close() try: img = cv2.imread(photoName, 1) picCoord = rec.recogChessPattern(img) print(picCoord) ok = True except Exception: pass img[int(picCoord[1]),:] = [0,255,255] img[:,int(picCoord[0])] = [0,255,255] cv2.imwrite(photoName, img) angles = {} angles['hz'] = Angle(1/math.sin(ang['v'].GetAngle('RAD'))*(self._affinParams[0,1]*(picCoord[0] - round(self._affinParams[0,0])) + self._affinParams[0,2]*(picCoord[1] - round(self._affinParams[1,0])))) angles['v'] = Angle(self._affinParams[1,1]*(picCoord[0] - round(self._affinParams[0,0])) + self._affinParams[1,2]*(picCoord[1] - round(self._affinParams[1,0]))) return angles
[docs] def GetAbsAngles(self, targetType = None): """Get absolute angles with automatical target recognition (not prism) :param targetType: type of target (None) :returns: corrected horinzontas (hz) and vertical (v) angles in dictionary. It contains the last correction angles too. """ t = time.localtime() picName = str(t.tm_year) + '_' + str(t.tm_mon) + '_' + str(t.tm_mday) + '_' + str(t.tm_hour) + '_' + str(t.tm_min) + '_' + str(t.tm_sec) + '.png' corr = self.PicMes(picName) ang = self.GetAngles() angles = {} angles['hz'] = ang['hz'] - corr['hz'] angles['v'] = ang['v'] - corr['v'] angles['chz'] = corr['hz'] angles['cv'] = corr['v'] i = 0 print('hz:', corr['hz'].GetAngle('SEC')) print('v:', corr['v'].GetAngle('SEC')) while abs(corr['hz'].GetAngle('SEC')) > 6 or abs(corr['v'].GetAngle('SEC')) > 6: self.Move(angles['hz'], angles['v']) corr = self.PicMes(picName) ang = self.GetAngles() print('hz:', corr['hz'].GetAngle('SEC')) print('v:', corr['v'].GetAngle('SEC')) angles = {} angles['hz'] = ang['hz'] - corr['hz'] angles['v'] = ang['v'] - corr['v'] angles['chz'] = corr['hz'] angles['cv'] = corr['v'] print(i) i += 1 return angles
[docs] def FollowTarget(self): """Following target (beta) """ t = time.localtime() picName = str(t.tm_year) + '_' + str(t.tm_mon) + '_' + str(t.tm_mday) + '_' + str(t.tm_hour) + '_' + str(t.tm_min) + '_' + str(t.tm_sec) + '.png' i = 0 while True: corr = self.PicMes(picName) ang = self.GetAngles() print('hz:', corr['hz'].GetAngle('SEC')) print('v:', corr['v'].GetAngle('SEC')) angles = {} angles['hz'] = ang['hz'] - corr['hz'] angles['v'] = ang['v'] - corr['v'] print(i) i += 1 if abs(corr['hz'].GetAngle('SEC')) > 6 or abs(corr['v'].GetAngle('SEC')) > 6 : self.Move(angles['hz'], angles['v']) return angles
def __del__(self): '''destructor ''' pass