Source code for camera

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module::
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Ulyxes - an open source project to drive total stations and
       publish observation results.  GPL v2.0 license Copyright (C)
       2010- Zoltan Siki <>

.. moduleauthor::  Bence Turak <>

import sys
import os
import cv2
from instrument import Instrument
from tcpiface import TCPIface

    import picamera
except Exception:

[docs]class Camera(Instrument): ''' Class for handle different camera unit :param name: name of instrument :param measureUnit: measure unit part of instrument :param measureIface: interface to physical unit :param writerUnit: store data, default None ''' def __init__(self, name, measureUnit, measureIface = None, writerUnit = None): '''contructor ''' super(Camera, self).__init__(name, measureUnit, measureIface, writerUnit) self.measureUnit = measureUnit
[docs] def TakePhoto(self, pic, resolution = (480,720)): '''taking photo method :param pic: name of image file :param resolution: resolution of picture (tuple) ''' msg = self.measureUnit.TakePhotoMsg(pic, resolution) if isinstance(msg, str): return self._process(msg, pic) else: return msg
[docs] def StartCameraView(self): '''Start Camera View method ''' msg = self.measureUnit.StartCameraViewMsg() if msg['ret'] != 0: return self._process(msg) else: return msg['ret']
[docs] def StopCameraView(self): '''Stop Camera View method ''' msg = self.measureUnit.StopCameraViewMsg() if msg['ret'] != 0: return self._process(msg) else: return msg['ret']
[docs] def GetContrast(self, mask = None): '''take picture and get contarst :returns: contrast of taken picture ''' msg = self.measureUnit.GetContrastMsg(mask) if msg['ret'] != 0: return self._process(msg) else: return msg['contrast']